escape($_POST['username']); $password = $db->escape($_POST['password']); $auth = new auth(); $login = $auth->login($username,$password); if($login == true){ header("Location: $_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"); }else{ $erro = $auth->errormsg[0]; } } if(isset($_COOKIE['auth_session'])){ $hash = $_COOKIE['auth_session']; $auth = new auth(); $sessione = $auth->checksession($hash); } if(isset($_GET['logout'])){ $db->escape($_GET['logout']); $auth->deletesession($hash); header('Location: index.php'); } ?> Jarvis v.2.0 '.$erro = $auth->errormsg[0].''; } ?>
Members Area
deletesession($hash); header("Location: index.php"); } else { $username = $array = $auth->sessioninfo($hash)->username; $user = $db->get_row("select * from users where username = '$username'"); $_SESSION['userlevel'] = $user->level; header('Location: main.php'); /* $username = $array = $auth->sessioninfo($hash)->username; echo '

Ciao '.$username.'

'; $user_id =$db->get_var("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username='$username'"); $websites = $db->get_results("SELECT * FROM websites where owner = '$user_id'"); $number_of_records = $db->num_rows; if($number_of_records == "0"){ echo 'You not have any website to manage'; }else{ echo '

You have '.$number_of_records.' domain/s

'; foreach($websites as $k=>$v){ echo '
'.$v->domain.' manage
'; } } */ } } ?>